I am thrilled that you are a part of the Worship & Production Ministry at Tree City Church! I so look forward to getting to know all of you better! I’m truly so excited about all that God is doing and will continue to do through our corporate times of worship. My heart is that we will be unified in purpose and mission as we serve together. Below is a list of team expectations for us to all reflect on and adhere to.

-Julie Turner, Worship Ministry Director

Team Expectations


As members of the Tree City Church Worship & Production Ministry Team, we are ambassadors of Christ and Tree City Church. As such, it is the expectation of the leadership at Tree City Church that we all live a lifestyle that reflects Christ to our church body and to the community, and that we do so in a way that is consistent both on and off the stage. This is not about legalism; this is about Tree City Church’s mission of pointing people to Jesus. We want to lead others by example into a deeper relationship with Christ both at church and in our community. By choosing to be a part of the Worship & Production Ministry, you are agreeing to seek to grow in your personal relationship with God and reflect his character to the world.

Team Player

Within the Tree City Church Worship & Production Ministry, we value Character, Chemistry, and Competency. This means that from a character standpoint (in addition to the avove conduct expectations), we will lead with humility and submission to Christ’s authority and the authority of staff leaders and board. We will serve with positive attitudes and gratitude for the opportunity we’ve been given. We value chemistry as manifested by our commitment to treat one another with care and concern, to pray for each other, and to seek to get to know one another on a personal level. We will honor one another in our words and actions, and be genuinely for one another; celebrating each other’s successes. In the area of competency, we will continually strive to honor the team and church body by bringing our very best to the worship experience. This means a commitment to working on our craft and being prepared and punctual for rehearsals. By participating in the Tree City Church Worship & Production Ministry, you are agreeing to being a positive, caring, and prepared team member.

Weekly Rehearsals

As worship leaders, we are hosts that invite our church family into the very presence of God. The more we are prepared from a technical standpoint before service, the more we are freed up to lead our people in an intentional, Spirit-led way on Sunday morning. In light of that, weekly rehearsals are a core value of the the Tree City Church Worship & Production Ministry Team. It is expected that you will utilize the resources available online by listening to mp3s, looking at charts, and practicing your part prior to rehearsal. We intentionally use the word “rehearsals” instead of “practice”. It is the goal that individual practice take place at home, and our weekly rehearsals are for putting it all together and working through transitions as a team. By participating in the Tree City Church Worship & Production Ministry, you are agreeing to attend weekly rehearsals and to show up on-time, prepared, and ready to participate. 


Tree City Church places a high value on community. We will demonstrate this within our ministry area by being regular attenders of Tree City Church. In addition, we will be holding team nights 2-3 times/year and attendance is strongly encouraged!  We are designed by God for community and we need each other in this life! Not only that, as we grow in community as team members, that unity and synergy will be evident from the platform as we lead. By serving on this ministry team, you are committing to growing together in relationship as we serve the Tree City Church body.

Thank you again so much for you commitment to the Tree City Church Worship and Production Ministry! I can’t wait to see all that God will continue to do through our humble service and offering. It is truly a privilege serving alongside you in this way!